Tuesday 4 June 2024

Always be Selfish and MAD

Just like every other child, I have always been a fan of those bed time stories which our grand parents used to narrate during childhood days. Years have passed; things have changed; people have moved; still that eagerness to listen to those stories never seems to fade away. As I was pondering about it sitting in a chair, my mind slowly started to narrate one inside…

Once upon a time, there was a donkey which lived in a village. Getting up in the early morning, carrying the load and following its master’s order used to be its routine. The donkey was pretty much occupied and enjoyed this routine. 

Days passed… The donkey started to develop a friendship with a buffalo and a dog who were also living nearby. All the three became so close that every night, they meet each other to chat.

One night, the Donkey was extremely tired because of the heavy load and was ranting about the same. Suddenly the buffalo stared at the donkey and started to laugh… Both the Donkey and the dog were clueless. The buffalo was like, “Did you look at your face in the mirror? You are too ugly, lazy and not fit to do any other work. That’s why your master continues to load you with this mundane work on a daily basis”.

The Donkey was shocked to hear this comment and felt bad. The buffalo continued to laugh loud and the donkey couldn’t bear it anymore as it started to leave the place.

It went to its sleeping place and lied down. But somehow its mind was not peaceful. Being ugly, being lazy, not fit for any other work - these were the phrases lingering inside its head. As it turned right, suddenly it got afraid seeing the dog lying next to it. The Donkey was like, “what are you doing here”???

The Dog replied, “I know what you are thinking now inside your head. The same buffalo said similar nauseating statements about me last week and spoiled my peace too. It is when I learnt a mantra from a saint, who helped me to be at my peace”.  The Donkey was furious to listen to this and at the same time it felt curious, “Mantra? What is that?”, asked the donkey.

The dog replied, the mantra is “Be selfish And MAD”.  The Donkey was taken a back. It looked at the dog and asked, I thought you are telling some mantra to be happy and peaceful. What’s this selfish and mad, the puzzled donkey stared at the dog. 

The Dog told, wait a minute. Whatever people say around you should not matter at all. You should know what your self worth is, what your capabilities are, and what your weaknesses are. There is no one better in this world to judge you than yourself. Once you have that self introspection, you really will not be affected by these external noises.  That is what is meant by being self(ish) oriented. 

And whatever you do in your mundane life, at the end of your life, you should be mad (Make a Difference). Just doing something routine like others and passing the life is not going to help anyone. You should make a difference in whatever you do, irrespective of how small it is. 

If you are following these two qualities of being selfish and mad, there is nothing you need to worry about, explained the dog. 

The Donkey didn’t utter a word. It silently went to lie down. Suddenly, the donkey can feel a heavy hot water rain. Puzzled what it is, I woke up to realise it’s the hot coffee my niece poured on me, while I was napping in the chair…

Mind realised that there are many such buffalos surrounding each one of us in real life. And you won’t always have a dog to teach any mantra too. Instead of being a depressed donkey, it’s upto us to look upto the dog(god) in ourselves and say, “I will be selfish and mad”, no matter how many buffalos make noise :)

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Who is that "She"?

Well, 2020 has started with a bang and by the time I write this, we have already gone past a quarter of it. Like how a T20 match brings in a surprise and tension element with every passing ball, every passing day keeps surprising us with something or the other.

Breaking news has become our daily alarm tone. Quarantine days has become our most used hashtag. And waking up minutes before to only sit in front of the laptop with coffee cup has become our daily dosage. 

But, hold on. Can we just rewind us to the old normal days and think about our mindset for a moment…? 

We are generally occupied with the thought process that only we are working hard day and night, chasing the strict deadlines posed to us and the “She” staying at home is casually enjoying the day, isn’t it? Well, we can’t deny this completely.

“She” wakes up early every day to only ensure that we are not getting late to our office;
“She” gives us a call to check whether we ate or not/when are we going to start home and we just cut the call saying “In a meeting; will call back”, but never called back;
We wait for the week ends to go out for movies, shopping, beach etc., but “She” is always given the mundane work of weekly wash of clothes;
We enjoy our team outings, success parties and recognition's thrown out at us for successfully completing the projects but always end up blaming the “She” for a pinch of salt/sugar missed out;
We keep a log of the extra hours we have worked during our performance reviews but there is no such concept of working hours “She” can afford to say;
We get paid for what we work and yearly bonuses for our better performances but “She” is always treated as a zero salaried employee.

We can’t deny that we haven’t done all these… Right?  But, as there is a saying, “Time teaches everything” we tend to understand now how difficult and dreadful it will be for the women to stay home all through the day catering to our daily needs.
We understand now how stressful it is to keep doing the monotonous work on a daily note.
We understand now that being outside is not a tough job, but being at home is.
We understand now how cruel isolation is and how it would feel to not get recognized. 

Probably, as they say, “Every cloud has its own silver lining, one good thing this COVID has brought out is the realization of what big blunders we all have been carrying inside our mind till now. And now it’s time for us to pay back. Your “She” can be anyone. Your mother; Your wife; Your sister; or Your grandmother. Anyone who has been sacrificing her daily wishes and desires just to ensure that your work schedule is not getting disturbed and you are well taken care of. And what are you gonna do for that "She"?

Take a minute and think!!

Sunday 22 September 2019

Keezhadi Excavation Findings

Will you believe me if I say, whatever the history we studied long back in our schools is going to change completely..?

Yes. You read it right. Continue to read further.

It is from the recently released initial set of findings from the Keezhadi excavations which is going to rewrite the entire civilization history, which we all have been taught of. And, for those who don't know, Keezhadi is a small village around the borders of Madurai district near the banks of vaigai river.

We all have been told that the oldest human civilisation has developed from the areas of north western parts of India surrounding the Indus valley.

But do we know that the recently released findings of keezhadi dates back to the same period of Indus valley civilisation?? Yes. The findings show many linkages which connects to the oldest claimed Indus valley civilisation.

And the next big revelation is the usage of Tamil brahmi during these periods which further dates back the existence of Tamil language making it the oldest language. (Note: Till now, only Sanskrit has been mentioned as the oldest language in our syllabus and not Tamil)

There are other findings as well relating to the type of vessels, ornaments, living types etc..

The findings have been under rated to the core by both the media's and people.

The reason behind this article is not to purely dwell upon the dominance of the Tamil language or civilisation. But to know our roots rather than longing why no Tamil movie is sent as India's entry for Oscars.

We know that we have been deprived from the pride that our roots deserve but at least let's make our future generation to know these things and that can only happen when we start speaking about this in social media's rather than debating only upon movie reviews and reality shows.

'Indus valley civilisation is the oldest human civilisation', we read.

Atleast, Let our future generations read, Vaigai valley civilisation is the oldest human civilisation!!

Sunday 25 August 2019


It was a late tiring day at office. Time was almost nearing 11 in the night, as I was waiting for my cab to arrive. The mandatory meetings, constant skype calls, ever increasing to-do-lists, never-ending action items, iterated discussions, Balance sheets not tallying, cash flow mis-match - huh..! What not..? – A ruckus was running inside my mind and one of my hand started to shiver. Thought for a moment, Iam going to faint. Looked down, to my fortune, it was my vibrating mobile. Picked up the phone. “Sir, cash thane?”, driver on the other side. Yes, I replied. Everywhere, this cash flow problem exists, my mind whispered inside.

Cut down 5 mins from then, into the cab. The driver entered the OTP, switched off the inside lights and started the ride. It was a whole lot of darkness surrounded, both inside and outside. There were showers starting to pour. The music player was chanting Kolaveri song, and the leisurely made rhythm somehow was rightly accompanying my sluggish mood.

Started surfing the net. People were fighting with negative hashtags being trended, against their anti stars. Came out of it as my mind was already tired of the rumpus going inside.

The Playlist started Rowdy baby next. I closed my eyes lying back to the seat. My mind started to ponder through..

Why do people spread negativity everywhere...??
Why do people are always interested in offending others…?? And finally,
Why do my Balance sheets always don’t tally…??

But, to my bad luck, I was able to get answers for none. Opened my eyes to see Thalappakatti passing through. And rains have started to smash as well. Just when I was thinking to call my mom asking her to get an umbrella out, remembered her, telling me to eat out and come. So, asked driver to stop by a near by restaurant for a take home parcel. Driver stopped at a restaurant. It was pouring heavily outside. Was hesitant to get out in that. After a bit of time, opened the door, and started rushing to the hotel entrance. Into the hotel, the clock’s were turning near to 12. Pin drop silence. Ordered my food. Turned back to witness a delivery guy sitting over, earphones plugged in. Seeing me, he removed his earphones out. Till then, I don’t know I was in for a shock in next 2 mins. Yes. Came to know, he has done his Master’s degree and working here Part time as he could not find a proper job. Further came to know, his friends/relatives who used to be good to him once were mocking him for what he is, now.

Master’s Degree.. Regular job from 9 to 7. Part time job from 8 to 2 in the night. Lot of humiliations and hatred. Just when I could not imagine what was going around, his parcel came. He took the Parcel. I told him its raining heavily outside. He smiled and said, “Let it come. I can manage”. Kept the parcel in his bag. Plugged his ear phones again. Put down a cover in his head. Said me Bye., and started walking to his bike casually in that heavy rain.

5 mins from then, my parcel came. Picked it up and ran into the cab. Cab has started. But, inside me, the words he uttered was running on loop, “Let it come. I can manage”. Well, not only for rains. That is how we should take the humiliations and challenges coming in front of us, as well. Somewhere, my mind was telling this to me.

Got a call from my mother as I was about to reach home. “Rains are coming heavily. Shall I come out with an umbrella?”, she asked. Without my knowledge, the words came out, “Let it come, I can manage”. Within a few moments, driver stopped the car on my street side and switched on the lights inside. The darkness has gone, atlast, both inside and outside. And Rahman's Saregame song was being played in the radio, “Mistakes are the secret of success….”. 

Paid cash to the driver and started to walk off.  Some how, inside, things started to look easy. Thoughts started becoming crystallized and my balance sheets started to get tally!!

Sunday 21 October 2018

Life's LKG Lesson

It was a bright sunny morning outside. But,as usual his room hasn't still got out of the dark dusky coldness yet. Credits to the 18° air conditioner and the curtained windows.

Life is not moving the way he wished. No job. No money. Dependency on family. Age 25. No respect among peers, relatives, neighbours. Fear of experiencing one more failure. Loneliness. Social anxiety. All these haunts were loudly screaming inside his mind one by one.

His mind choked. He was questioning himself, Why all these pain and problems only for me. But there was no response.

A sudden cut off to his running thoughts. His ears started paying attention to a 3 year old kid crying loudly outside. He went out to see why, improptu in a hassle way. The little one was crying as it doesn't want to go to school. His parents were busy preparing him for school without paying much attention to him crying. He went near the boy. Laughed at him and asked him not to cry. Said, you are not the only one going to school. Everyone of your age is undergoing this. only if you undergo this, your future will be good. That 3 year old kid was paying deaf ears to his speech and was busy concentrating to cry. In fact it has increased its voice after his speech. The time clocked 9, The little one's mom gave a 5 rupees chocolate to the boy and stared. The kid closed its mouth. stopped crying and started to school not taking eyes off from that colourful chocolate wafer.

The child's attitude has hit his mind. He came inside his darky room. It was too cold inside. He lied on his bed. The outside scenario was flashing through his mind. Without his knowledge, his mind started to connect this to his present situation. Something provoked inside him. He started to think. "I was crying before in this room. The little one was also crying outside. I thought I am the only one getting all this pain. Even the little one was crying vigorously akin to that". Now, his mind was urging him to relate what he told to that kid.

His mind started to bridge the connecting dots. He re collected the words uttered to that kid.
"You are not the only one going to school. Everyone of your age is undergoing this. only if you undergo this, your future will be good". There was a sigh of relief which his mind was experiencing at that point.

Sometimes in our life we cry and feel bad thinking about the current problems and pain in our life just like that kid. GOD will be calmly watching all these not paying much attention to our problems, just like the parents. But just when the clock ringed 9, when the right time comes, GOD also throws a 5 rupees chocolate wafer( self realisation and oppurtunities) to everyone of us. And All we need to do is to make use of it instead of worrying and keep passing our present in the memories of the past.

There was an exuberant amount of unknown happiness filled inside him. His mind was constantly uttering the words.

"You are not the only one going to school.
Everyone of your age is undergoing this.
Only if you undergo this, your future will be good".

Not able to control the cold, he removed the window curtains and covered all around him. At last, there was a feel of warmth inside him. And at last, there was a ray of brightness flashing through the room. :)

Sunday 7 October 2018

96 Movie

As obviously difficult it is, for an employed, to leave the office early on a weekday, after much chaos started from office. Adding to this existing tussles, rain tortured me till the theatre. Finally got into the theatre minutes before the show, with my totally drenched laptop bag.

Straight into the title card credits, there flashed a thanks note to the Nature. My mind was slowly forgetting the hiccups running inside and started clocking the big screen on what #96 is to offer.

Everyone here wishes to be problem free and  happy but no one really is(Atleast whomever I know). To my surprise, there is one such  called Ram enjoying his life happily(Atleast in movies) following his passion, eating whatever he likes and especially not thinking too much. Just when my mind started to believe that he is that hypothetical man without any problems, the letters he writes in the seashore hinted something. Camera slowly started taking off, out focussing the letters he wrote. May be out focussing his problems as well.

We are thrown into the humongous world of Deja-vu reliving the nostalgic memories which everyone is sure to be packed with. This is not the type of movie where you go expecting a high in the interval and climax .Rather there is always an high (eye) on the reality check.

There are so much of sentiments, the movie carries inside. There are so many types of emotions handled. There are so much of pain shown inside. But the biggest credit is none of these will soak you in tears. Rather it will make you strong and throws a different perception to the way we look at what life is all about.

This film is one such which has not taken the liberty of being just a movie and ending the proceedings but rather imprints in everyone's soul a day's life of Ram and Jaanu.

Done with the movie. I was not able to say anything on it. Beginning Title credits flashed a thanks note to the Nature. And the ending title card also flashed a credit to the Nature. Yes... It is for the nature of Ram, inside my heart.

Came out of the theatre. Again it was raining heavily. The same rain which was pouring when I went inside. But it was not the same me who went inside.

Reached home and news was going that the Weather department withdrawn the Red alert issued. My heart smiled and murmured, "This Red alert can never be withdrawn❤".

Sunday 24 December 2017

ARUVI - All is Well

Yes. Iam not able to get rid of it and was constantly thinking what the director has really intended to convey through this film? Why this movie has received such rave reviews, awards and recognitions? My mind didn’t accept the fact that I like a movie because majority people liked it too. Of course, this is not a mainstream commercial drama where the entire movie goes along with a single theme. In fact, I have even been asking some of my friends as to why they like this movie. But there were no readymade answers made available for me. Well, that has what made me to think a little bit deep into it about this movie. Thanks to Sunday for giving me some time to do it.

Aptly suiting to the title, the movie flows in multi layered directions adding to it, the non-linear narrative and the sudden revelations and by the time we think what the movie unfolds, we reach the climax. The flamboyant title character ARUVI (Need not be gender specific here) has strictly conveyed some life rules which needs to be designed and reserved with us throughout our life.

To start with, the movie pre-dominantly conveys only one message. Learn to live your life independently. Don’t depend on others. Because, we don’t know when that others will become strangers in our life. Like how a full stop is used in a Para to make the sentence meaningful, even life requires a full stop to certain people to make it meaningful. We should not worry about the full stop made, rather be happy that it will lead to the start of a new sentence.

Life will become easier when problems are viewed with a sense of humor. The satirical scenes will not only make you to laugh rather question yourself that, when there are people with so much of problems in their life who are still happy, what you are facing is nothing at all. It altogether throws a diverse standpoint on the way, life is to be viewed.

In fact, the ending scene where the lead character was proposed by a boy question you to think that whatever happening in the current era in the name of love is not the real one at all. Love is something which must be felt on someone without any reason, without any expectations, without any benefit in return. If you can list down the reasons why you are loving someone, believe me that is not love at all. It is called like.

Nowadays, leading a happy life means changing your social network DP’s once a week, partying with friends, going on monthly tours etc. The movie even touches upon this. Real happiness does not lie in captivating things from others rather lies in giving things out to others. That cannot be explained rather than be felt.

You need not be serious even when things are not going as per your wish in life. In fact, you must be happy because if everything happens as per your wish and you are not at all struggling in life, you have not gone into the real-life phase yet. You are like in the phase of a kid whose wish will always be fulfilled by its parents.

When life throws dis-appointments at you, rather than bending down to it, stand up and convert those negatives into positives. The only one place where impossible has a real meaning is in the dictionary. In our real life, there is nothing called impossible. It is just lack of involvement. Your habits are designed prima facie by your friends and for this movie too, the story takes a U turn (which we may not even know at that time) only because of a friend. So, be extra careful when accepting friend requests.

Having said all, Aruvi (Waterfalls) metaphored to life here will look good when we see, but the force it penetrates can be handled only with rock-rollicking calm happy helping mindset. With this, I can positively say that ARUVI has joined with Mayakkam enna to convert my list of favourite film from singular to plural.